Modern rodeo competitions can be a lot of fun. Calf roping is one event that has always been a rodeo favorite. Calf roping, or tie-down roping, is a timed event where a rider on a horse catches a calf by throwing a lasso of rodeo rope around the calf's neck.
After the rider throws the lasso around the around the calf's neck he quickly dismounts his horse. He then runs quickly to the calf and ties up the calf's legs. The rider needs to do it in as short a time as he can and tie at least three legs together.
Calf roping had its origins in ranch work. Working cowboys used to have to catch their calves and restrain them in order to brand them. They also sometimes needed to catch them to administer medical treatment.
Ranch hands began to make a sport of the event. They liked to time each other to see how long it took them to lasso the calves and tie them down. This contest eventually made its way in to the rodeo.
In today's rodeo calves are put in narrow runways that have spring-loaded door chutes. A chute operator pulls a lever to open the chutes door and the calf is released. When the calf reaches a certain point a rope is lowered signaling the rider can chase after it.
The rider needs to work quickly. They have to put their horse into full gallop mode immediately after the rope lowers and chase after the calf. The rider needs to be very careful not to move too quickly, however, and break the rope barrier before it is lowered because they will get a 10-second penalty if they do.
The rider lassos the calf by roping the calf's neck. They then need to stop their horse very quickly and dismount it to get to the calf. The rope should stop the calf, but it still needs to be on its feet. If the calf falls down at all the rider loses time on his score time because he will need to wait for the calf to get back up.
It is up to the rider to flip the calf on its side by picking it up and flipping it. After the calf is on the ground three of the calf's legs need to be tied together. After he ropes the legs the rider throws his hands in the air to signal he is done and the clock is stopped. Timer waits for six seconds to make sure the calf stays tied up and then an official time is recorded.