Friday, February 19, 2010

Mexican Cowboy Boots

There are many different cowboy boots that a person can choose from. One nice cowboy boot style is the Mexican cowboy boots. Their history started in the 19th Century, and they continue to be a popular choice today.

Mexican boots were worn by cowboys in Mexico in the early 1800s. They were once flat-heeled boots, and were quite short. Mexican cowboys later replaced the lower, flat heeled boots with high heeled ones.

Mexican cowboy boots are not usually made out of leather, like normal boots. They usually use exotic animal skins. Some examples of materials they are made from include bull, lizard, armadillo, and ostrich.

Mexican boots can be made to be both flat-heeled or high-heeled. They can also vary in length, to be short or tall boots. Mexican boots also come in normal widths, and wide width sizes.

Mexican boots can be worn by anyone. Men, women, and children enjoy the style and fun that Mexican boots can provide. Since the boots normally come in a variety of color combinations, they are a popular choice for children.

Shorter Mexican boots usually come with flat toe caps, though some boots have silver pointed toes. High heeled boots normally tend to have pointed toes. These types of boots are usually made for horse-riding cowboys because of their need for pointed toes for their saddles.

Mexican boots are handcrafted. Each stitch can be made with elaborate designs and delicate details. Mexican boots can be designed with themes, such as musical or horse themes.

Mexican cowboy boots do not use laces, but they do have lace-like trimming. Because of their unique designs, Mexican boots are still being used by many people today. They tend to be a little more expensive, but price depends on the animal skin that is used. If you like very unique designs and styles, Mexican boots may be the right choice for you.

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