Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Team Roping

Team Roping is a popular rodeo event that uses a steer and two cowboys or cowgirls mounted on horses. The first cowboy uses a rodeo rope to rope the front of the steer, and the second cowboy uses a rodeo rope to rope the steer's feet. Team roping is a unique rodeo event in which both men and women can compete with and against one another.

The cowboy who ropes the head of the steer is known as a "header". The header uses a rodeo rope to rope the front of the steer. The rope is usually wound around the horns, though it can also be done around the neck, or around one horn and the steer's nose (known as a "half head").

The cowboy who is in charge of the feet is called the "heeler". The heeler ropes the steer by its hind feet. The heeler is supposed to rope both of the steer's hind feet, though they still qualify with one. If only one leg is caught they receive a five second delay on their time.

Steers are put in a runway with spring loaded doors in a place called a chute. The header is on one side of the chute, and the heeler is on the other side of the chute. A rodeo rope, known as the barrier, is placed in front of the header and connected to the neck of the steer. Once the steer moves out, the taut rodeo rope releases. It is there to make sure the steer gets a head start.

At the start of the event the chute is opened to release the steer. Once the steer reaches the end of the barrier rope the barrier in front of the header releases. The header then moves in on the steer to rope it.

There are three ways the header can rope the steer. First, they can throw the rope around both horns (clean horn catch). Second, they can do a neck catch. Third, they can do a half-head catch which is around one horn and around the nose. He then wraps the rope around the horn of his saddle, known as a daily, and turns his horse with the steer following him still running.

This is the heeler's cue to throw a loop rope under the steer's hind legs to catch them. He dailies his rope and the header turns his horse to face both the steer and the heeler. The heeler and header back up their horses to stretch out the steer's hind legs. After the legs are stretched immobilizing the animal the time is taken and the competition is complete.

The steer is quickly released and trots away unharmed. Times are penalized five seconds if only one leg is roped behind, and there is a ten second deduction if the barrier rope is broken through. All other mistakes made with team roping are instant disqualifications.

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