Thursday, August 19, 2010

What Country Singers Wear Cowboy Hats

Cowboy hats are one of the most iconic symbols in history. These hats are known all over the world, no matter what your background or culture. There are few items that represent cowboys as well as it do.

People of all ages and ranks have worn these hats. Everyone from young boys playing cowboys and Indians, to little girls dressing up, to ranch hands and country singers wear them. Even people who have never set foot on a ranch and have no desire to be a cowboy wear them as fashion items.

Most people who wear them don’t even know how long these hats have been around. And they probably have no idea who it was that first invented them. Few people know that it all started as a joke.

It was John Stetson that first invented the cowboy hat. While on a hunting trip with friends, Stetson tried to amuse his companions by creating various items out of fur. During this time, he created an odd looking hat: it had a brim so large it could shield a man from the rain, the sun, and anything else Mother Nature saw fit to throw his way.

Stetson wore the fur hat for the rest of his trip. And because it worked so well, he wore it throughout the rest of his time traveling through the west. In 1865, just a few months later, he began making copies of his new headwear.

The first of Stetson’s cowboy hats were sold for five dollars. The hats have jumped a little in price since then. Today they are sold at prices ranging anywhere from $16 to $170.

Hats that were once worn for hunting and working outside, are now worn by country stars. Singers such as Kenny Chesney, Garth Brooks, Alan Jackson, and Brad Paisley all sport these hats during their concerts. They each seem to have a style of hat that they prefer, one that sets them apart a bit from other performers, but they are all cowboy hats just the same.

The cowboy hat is an icon of the western culture. It is the perfect and most recognized representation of the country spirit. Whether your hat is made of fur or felt, whether it’s brown or pink or covered in spots, it represents and keeps that spirit alive.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for taking the time to discuss this,I feel strongly about it and love learning more on this topic.Country wear clothing
