Thursday, June 17, 2010

Calf Roping

Modern rodeo competitions can be a lot of fun. Calf roping is one event that has always been a rodeo favorite. Calf roping, or tie-down roping, is a timed event where a rider on a horse catches a calf by throwing a lasso of rodeo rope around the calf's neck.

After the rider throws the lasso around the around the calf's neck he quickly dismounts his horse. He then runs quickly to the calf and ties up the calf's legs. The rider needs to do it in as short a time as he can and tie at least three legs together.

Calf roping had its origins in ranch work. Working cowboys used to have to catch their calves and restrain them in order to brand them. They also sometimes needed to catch them to administer medical treatment.

Ranch hands began to make a sport of the event. They liked to time each other to see how long it took them to lasso the calves and tie them down. This contest eventually made its way in to the rodeo.

In today's rodeo calves are put in narrow runways that have spring-loaded door chutes. A chute operator pulls a lever to open the chutes door and the calf is released. When the calf reaches a certain point a rope is lowered signaling the rider can chase after it.

The rider needs to work quickly. They have to put their horse into full gallop mode immediately after the rope lowers and chase after the calf. The rider needs to be very careful not to move too quickly, however, and break the rope barrier before it is lowered because they will get a 10-second penalty if they do.

The rider lassos the calf by roping the calf's neck. They then need to stop their horse very quickly and dismount it to get to the calf. The rope should stop the calf, but it still needs to be on its feet. If the calf falls down at all the rider loses time on his score time because he will need to wait for the calf to get back up.

It is up to the rider to flip the calf on its side by picking it up and flipping it. After the calf is on the ground three of the calf's legs need to be tied together. After he ropes the legs the rider throws his hands in the air to signal he is done and the clock is stopped. Timer waits for six seconds to make sure the calf stays tied up and then an official time is recorded.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Team Roping

Team Roping is a popular rodeo event that uses a steer and two cowboys or cowgirls mounted on horses. The first cowboy uses a rodeo rope to rope the front of the steer, and the second cowboy uses a rodeo rope to rope the steer's feet. Team roping is a unique rodeo event in which both men and women can compete with and against one another.

The cowboy who ropes the head of the steer is known as a "header". The header uses a rodeo rope to rope the front of the steer. The rope is usually wound around the horns, though it can also be done around the neck, or around one horn and the steer's nose (known as a "half head").

The cowboy who is in charge of the feet is called the "heeler". The heeler ropes the steer by its hind feet. The heeler is supposed to rope both of the steer's hind feet, though they still qualify with one. If only one leg is caught they receive a five second delay on their time.

Steers are put in a runway with spring loaded doors in a place called a chute. The header is on one side of the chute, and the heeler is on the other side of the chute. A rodeo rope, known as the barrier, is placed in front of the header and connected to the neck of the steer. Once the steer moves out, the taut rodeo rope releases. It is there to make sure the steer gets a head start.

At the start of the event the chute is opened to release the steer. Once the steer reaches the end of the barrier rope the barrier in front of the header releases. The header then moves in on the steer to rope it.

There are three ways the header can rope the steer. First, they can throw the rope around both horns (clean horn catch). Second, they can do a neck catch. Third, they can do a half-head catch which is around one horn and around the nose. He then wraps the rope around the horn of his saddle, known as a daily, and turns his horse with the steer following him still running.

This is the heeler's cue to throw a loop rope under the steer's hind legs to catch them. He dailies his rope and the header turns his horse to face both the steer and the heeler. The heeler and header back up their horses to stretch out the steer's hind legs. After the legs are stretched immobilizing the animal the time is taken and the competition is complete.

The steer is quickly released and trots away unharmed. Times are penalized five seconds if only one leg is roped behind, and there is a ten second deduction if the barrier rope is broken through. All other mistakes made with team roping are instant disqualifications.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Tool of the Cowboy

Rodeo Rope itself is pretty self-explanatory. It’s the rope the cowboys use in their various sporting events, be it calf-roping, team roping, or even trick roping. As you’ll notice, it’s different from the regular rope you might be used to.

Rodeo rope is stiffer than a rope you might use for say, rock climbing or water skiing. When you’re roping cattle, you need the noose to stay open so that it can properly fall around the animal’s neck. Just think how much harder roping would be with a limp rope – you’d be lucky to catch a horn.

Another vital aspect of having a stiff rope is that it allows the user to both push and pull with ease. Pulling tightens the noose, which is pivotal to catching your calf and other roping events. Being able to push the noose open is important, as well, as it would be otherwise be impossible to release an animal while on horseback.

The Noose

A Lasso is this important tool that cowboys use in real life as well competition. We’ve already discussed the aspects of the rope itself, which is often called a lariat or just plain rope. What makes it a lasso is the loop, which allows it to be thrown at an object and then tightened when pulled.

Influence of the Spanish

Lariat, riata, and reata all come from the Spanish word, “la reata,” which translates as the rope which ties two horses or mules together to make them travel in a straight line. Much of cowboy terminology comes from Spanish words or phrases, as both cultures become intertwined with each other when it comes to roping and herding cattle. Riata and reata, as well as the lariat, are just other names for the lasso or rope.

The Reata

The distinguishing feature of the reata or riata, however, is that it is made from braided or (less often) twisted rawhide of about 50’ to 100’ long. Most rodeo rope in the arena is only 28’ to 35’, or 45’ to 70’ for California-style roping. Instead of rawhide, most lariats are made from stiff nylon or polyester.

Now that you know the difference between the looped lasso, the lariat, riata, and reata, you can stay up-to-speed when an otherwise unfamiliar word hits you in a conversation or event. Knowing the terminology lets you focus on what’s going on rather than wondering what the speaker is talking about. You won’t have to worry about being left in the dust – unless, of course, you’ve just been bucked off a bronco.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Cowboy Rodeo Terms

Are you attending a rodeo soon? Do you want to know some fun phrases or words that are associated with rodeos? We thought so. Here are some of our favorite rodeo terms.

1. Suicide Wrap - A bull rider uses a suicide wrap to wrap their bull rope around their hand. Today, suicide wraps are not usually allowed in rodeos. The reason? It is extremely dangerous since it is very hard for cowboys to get out of suicide wraps once they fall off the bull or bronco.

2. Pulling Leather - When a cowboy says they were pulling leather this means they were holding on to the saddle horn. Cowboys need to hold on to the saddle horn to prevent getting thrown off a bucking horse. Another term that is used for this is known as grabbing the apple.

3. Dragger or Trotter - You will more often than not see this at your rodeo. A dragger is a steer that stops running after it is roped. A trotter is a steer that stops running full speed, and trots instead while hanging its head.

4. Crow Hop - A jump by a horse with stiff legs. Usually this happens when a bucking bronco is not trying to buck his cowboy off anymore. This term is also known as frog walking.

5. Lasso - Cowboys use a braided rope, known as a lariat, for their rodeo ropes. A lasso is a lariat that has been tied with a special knot that is used with steer or horses. The special knot of the lasso can be tightened once it is thrown over the steer or horse's head. A clove hitch is a knot that cowboys often use when they tie their lariat or rodeo rope.

6. Fanning - If a cowboy fans your stock after a ride it can often times be considered an insult. Cowboys sometimes remove their cowboy hats and wave them over the stock animal after a ride. It usually signals that the animal was an easy ride.

7. Arm Jerker - This term is used to describe a rodeo animal with a lot of bucking power. Cowboys often use this term to warn other cowboys about the animal before they ride.